Are you a music fan like I am? I like a variety: hard rock, pop, metal, Celtic, classical, Celtic metal... This playlist I made for Hunter's Moon has a lot of rock but also some softer songs. I tried to balance pain, suffering, and struggle with hope in the songs I selected. I think all the songs fit the mood and themes of my book very well! I'm working on the playlist for Book 2. (But working much harder on the book itself, don't worry!)
Doodle Video I Made!
Super Cool Swag
I made some awesome merch designs to go with my book(s)! Check them all out here - they come on a variety of products. (My two favorites are below.) When I have time, I'll make some more!
Family Pictures
RIP Thatcher, my beautiful toasted marshmallow. 2012 - 2/17/24
My Favorite Harry Potter Werewolf Fanfics
Yes, I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter, and especially of the Marauders, a.k.a. Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs. (Not actually a fan of Wormtail...) My favorite of the guys, if you couldn't tell from the fact that my book is about werewolves, is Moony. Most HP fanfics I've read revolve around the Marauders. Here are the best ones I've read:
Darkness Dying by Iniga (Marauders just after graduating Hogwarts. This one taught me the names of the full moons. Keep Kleenex handy.)
Interim by Iniga (Sequel to DD, written before OOTP - really, most of these were, b/c that's when my HP fanfic obsession was at its height. :)
A Most Unusual Student by Alkari (Poppy Pomfrey's POV, but young Marauders feature prominently.)
Oblivious by Jess Pallas (One of my absolute favorites!! Alternate version of Harry's fifth year - of course, written pre-OOTP.)
Moon and Stone by Andrea13 and PersephoneKore (This is actually a "founders fic" with Salazar Slytherin as a werewolf. Lots of hissing. LOL)
I'll update this if I remember more....
FUN FACT: My book, Hunter's Moon, started out as HP fanfic! Different title, main character had a different name, and of course some of Rowling's characters were in the story, so I had to get rid of Hogwarts and everything from Harry's world! So you'll never find the fanfic...mwa ha ha!!! (If you haven't cottoned on, the fic wasn't very I have had tons of practice writing and working with editors in the years since then!)
Darkness Dying by Iniga (Marauders just after graduating Hogwarts. This one taught me the names of the full moons. Keep Kleenex handy.)
Interim by Iniga (Sequel to DD, written before OOTP - really, most of these were, b/c that's when my HP fanfic obsession was at its height. :)
A Most Unusual Student by Alkari (Poppy Pomfrey's POV, but young Marauders feature prominently.)
Oblivious by Jess Pallas (One of my absolute favorites!! Alternate version of Harry's fifth year - of course, written pre-OOTP.)
Moon and Stone by Andrea13 and PersephoneKore (This is actually a "founders fic" with Salazar Slytherin as a werewolf. Lots of hissing. LOL)
I'll update this if I remember more....
FUN FACT: My book, Hunter's Moon, started out as HP fanfic! Different title, main character had a different name, and of course some of Rowling's characters were in the story, so I had to get rid of Hogwarts and everything from Harry's world! So you'll never find the fanfic...mwa ha ha!!! (If you haven't cottoned on, the fic wasn't very I have had tons of practice writing and working with editors in the years since then!)
My Favorite Harry Potter Werewolf Videos
These are much more recent than the fanfics above. They were all made after the entire HP series was out.
Severus Snape and the Marauders by Broad Strokes Productions (My absolute favorite! So good!!)
The Great Wizarding War by Broad Strokes Productions (Comes right after the movie above. Radio broadcast with still images. Many chapters.)
Son of the Moon by Filmverkstedet Samsen kulturhus (Short but well-made. Also takes place during the great wizarding war.)
I wish I knew of more good ones! I have watched a ton of other ones, but in my opinion, they're not that high-quality or interesting. *runs and hides from the death glares*
Severus Snape and the Marauders by Broad Strokes Productions (My absolute favorite! So good!!)
The Great Wizarding War by Broad Strokes Productions (Comes right after the movie above. Radio broadcast with still images. Many chapters.)
Son of the Moon by Filmverkstedet Samsen kulturhus (Short but well-made. Also takes place during the great wizarding war.)
I wish I knew of more good ones! I have watched a ton of other ones, but in my opinion, they're not that high-quality or interesting. *runs and hides from the death glares*