I have a confession to make: I am completely obsessed with AI art. :D I've been experimenting with the Dream app by Wombo on my phone for days and days now, trying to get awesome images of characters and places from Hunter's Moon. It certainly isn't perfect, but I've improved my technique (which keywords I use, etc.) and gotten a lot of cool pics! For my next few blog posts, I thought I'd show you a bunch of the best ones, accompanying some character sketches (pun always intended) so you can get to know some of the characters from my books! First up is my main character, Melanie Caldwell, outside a certain cabin (no spoilers!). At the start of the book, Mel is 20, a straight-A student, double majoring in English and journalism. She just wants to get a boyfriend, graduate college, and live a normal, quiet life. She and her roommate should never have gone camping during the full moon.... Now Mel has to lie to her friends every month and live a secret double life full of danger and pain. Do you think she looks wary and hunted in these pictures? Next up is Melanie's roommate and best friend, Pamela Grazziano, at her second home: the music building. She's a talented soprano and "adequate" (in her opinion) at the piano. She loves opera. Pam can be rather emotional and dramatic; she wears her heart on her sleeve. Chatty and popular, she especially loves the attention of handsome classmates like Aaron Gates. (Pics of him coming later!) She's the "mom" of their friend group, always wanting to know where the others are and taking care of them. So when Mel starts disappearing, coming back looking sick, and refusing to talk about it, Pam gets very upset. Will she find out Melanie's secret? Can their friendship survive? Jocelyn Beaumont (my favorite goth girl) is Mel and Pam's suitemate, living on the second floor of Hartman Cottage with them. Jos is shrewd, cunning, and plays her cards close to her chest. She seems to notice everything, keeping her eyes and mind open but her words and emotions under tight rein. Beneath the somewhat stoic exterior is a wicked sense of humor, which helped her survive growing up with four older brothers. When Mel starts disappearing and keeping secrets, Jocelyn and Pam both do some snooping, for slightly different reasons. Of course they both care about their friend, but Jos is driven more by curiosity rather than control. She can't resist a good mystery. What will she discover, and how will she react? Okay, wow, this is a heck of a lot of pics and they'll probably make the page take a long time to load, so I'll stop here and post more later! Stay tuned! :)
~~~ Sorry I closed comments, but I've gotten some negative ones on Instagram and don't have the time or spoons to deal with those. AI will never be able to replace human artists, or human writers either. I've played around with ChatGPT, having it write some essays for me, and they were quite dry. Oh, and AI can certainly never replace a human proofreader! I'm the kind of person who has trouble visualizing characters when I read (or write) a book, so this AI tool has added a whole new dimension for me, helping me connect with my characters a little better, and that can only improve/augment my writing! So I'm really grateful to have this tool! :) Comments are closed.
AuthorSarah Awa lives in Ohio with two hairy guys and writes books about werewolves. Archives
December 2024